
Below you can use PayPal to make a donation, either a one off donation or a monthly donation. If you would like to make a large donation or would like to help in a different way please contact us here and one of our volunteers will be in touch. Thank you for your generosity in advance. 

Please don't forget to select us as our selected charity at See below for more detail:

You can use the Donate buttons below to donate via PayPal. 

One Off GBP Donation 

One Off EUR Donation

Monthly GBP Donation 


Monthly EUR Donation

Secondary School Scholarships

A donation of £30 (€40) a month or £360 annually will support a child for a full year at secondary school. This includes school tuition, room and board, uniform and shoes as well as text books. 

University Scholarships

A donation of £40 (€52) a month or £480 a year will support a student through one year of University. As students who achieve the required grade are supported by  the government, the scholarship goes towards room and board, books and supplies as well as living expenses. 

If you shop regularly with, you may have heard of amazonsmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice. Simply go to, select The Geno Project as your chosen charity and let do the rest. Please make sure you make any purchases using the URL